

Schweizer Mitteilung

Schweizer Mitteilungen

Die Sommer-Ausgabe von “Anthroposophie – Schweiz” startet mit einem Beitrag zum 40. Geburtstag des Alters- und Pflegeheims Sonnengarten Hombrechtikon, der gefeiert wird mit einer Publikation zur Geschichte der Institution

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Anthroposophische Kunst- und Studientage

Der Christengemeinschaftspfarrer Daniel Hafner lädt seit ein paar Jahren Jugendliche zum Kennenlernen der Anthroposophie ein.

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Metamorphosen des Schopferischen

Die Vierteljahresschrift STIL: Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft. Das schöpferische Motiv leitet alle Beiträge dieser Ausgabe

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Unter der Asche des Alltagsbewusstseins den göttlichen Funken finden

Tagung zum 100. Geburtstag von Georg Kühlewind brachte 150 Besucher nach Budapest – Übungsgruppen jetzt an ca. 20 Orten im deutschsprachigen Raum


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Tagung, Delegierten- und Mitgliederversammlung

Was heute ein neuer Anfang bedeuten kann, ist unsere Frage, und die Antwort darauf kann die Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in ein Gefäss verwandeln, in dem ungeahnte Zukunftsprozesse zwischen geistigen Impulsen und menschlichen Tätigkeiten entstehen und sich entwickeln können.

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Die Christengemeinschaft | Mai 2024

Das »Christus in mir« ist nicht nur so ein Gefühlsding, sondern es heißt, zu bemerken: In mir ist eine Kraft und eine Fähigkeit, die kreativ werden will und kann.

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Das Rudolf Steiner Archiv wird zum Forschungs- und Ausstellungsarchiv

Obwohl das Archiv bereits für eine öffentliche Benutzung voll zugänglich ist – dafür ist es noch nicht genügend erschlossen. Jetzt wird es jedoch eine Gewichtsverschiebung hin zu einem Forschungs- und Ausstellungsarchiv geben mit einer kontinuierlichen Feinerschliessung der Archivalien

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Installation - Palermo 2018

«Earth: I Am»

Anthroposophische Gesellschaft Italien

An installation to reveal the sense of one and the multiple, unity and infinite parts, the original and diversity.

It travels trough the world and arrives from the Goetheanum to the Island of Sicily because its the vocation is made of waters and lands, where hearts and breathes beat and resonate with Unison to rediscover the Original Love.

Lara Pedilarco


Installation starts ...

With hands full of earth that will become cups for drops of water to rediscover the meaning of life, the Earth, the Water, to rediscover ancient memories, to express intentions of light and to remember and generate hope;

It opens up the artistic relation between Man, Earth, Nature ...

The one and the multiple, the unity and the infinite parts, the theme of originality and diversity, biodiversity in nature as wealth and in man, the universally human element that expresses itself in an infinite variety ofcultures ;f the work is interactive, witnessed and participated by an individual as free gesture ...

With this free and conscious gesture, an act of will is accomplished, I find a connection with the element Earth  and Water, with its living aspect, I rediscover a memory and at the same time express an intention of goodness and gratitude towards these elements;

An artistic and international gesture ...

Because art is a universal language which directly arrives to the heart overcoming all barriers; art is the meeting of people in which man rises to the creative dimension that constitutes the spiritual essence of nature.


Because the true art is the meeting with the other, because it is among the people that you can manifest something extraordinary that can only come from the meeting, a source of growth and evolution.

the Mediterranean ...

Because its vocation is to be a crossroads of people and an opportunity for dialogue between spiritual and cultural currents.

At the Botanical Garden ...

Because Nature is an unconscious manifestation of the creative power of being, which is the backdrop to the creativity of man through art.


«The spiritual world is the consciousness of one's own humanity»

Rudolf Steiner


«Italy without Sicily, does not leave any image in the spirit. Sicily is the key to everything "[...]

«The purity of the contours, the softness of everything, the yielding exchange of colors, the harmonious unity of the sky with the sea and the sea with the earth ... who has seen them only once, will have them for life».

J.W.Goethe, "Journey to Italy" 1817



Education for the collection and sending of land and water

Visitors and students of the Goetheanum, guests and participants of the Speech and Movement forum held in Dornach from the 1st to 8th of April 2018, anthroposophical societies and visitors and students, guests and participants of the ORTOINARTE festival that will take place in Palermo from the 25th of May to the 2nd of June 2018:

1- will be able to bring land and water from their land of origin directly to the Goetheanum in Dornach or to the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo;

2 - those who adhere to the initiative can take them by hand or send them to one of the two places, writing the name of those who have collected the land and water, the place and the state in which they were collected. one will also be able to write one's own thoughts during the the contact with the earth and water together with an intention of sending goodness to these elements.


EARTH: two full hands, then stored and wrapped in paper;

WATER: in a well-closed plastic tube;

Note: With the contribution and support of ARGITAL in Sicily, crystallizations and circular chromatography will be performed on 100 samples of Earth and Water, which will be exhibited in photographic images within the installation


At the Goetheanum, a part of the social installation will be realized:

1- The collection

2- The sharing of land and water with an artistic moment by the participants together with some artists;

3- The return of part of the land and water collected to the Goetheanum with best wishes for the departure of the same land and water from Dornach to Palermo in Sicily, where the OrtoInArte event will welcome them as a bridge of brotherhood.


At the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo,

the other part of the installation will be realized and its conclusion:

1- The union with the other lands and waters collected in Sicily at the Botanical Garden of Palermo, with a celebration in which all the people participating in the initiative will participate. Moreover, during the installation, representatives of different ethnic groups of the world will be present, among which the Moso;

2- A part of these lands and waters will be brought later to Lampedusa by boat, crossing the Mediterranean as a gesture of peace and respect for all human life;

3- The event will end with a big party in a celebration of life.

Thus the individual individualities that testify the individual countries, the souls of people and the unique act, the one, the universal that unites them, are united. The Event will represent the construction of bridges of brotherhood, a commitment to intentions of peace, evolution and respect for the human being and the living being

In collaboration with the Young Section of Goetheanum Mapamundi Project and Terra.


Group of work:

Lisa Marie Nussbaumer, Larissa Apple, Lara Pedilarco, Dorothe Hausler.


To take a part of this installation :

In English, Italian, Spanish send email to:

In German, French and English send email to:
