News from all fields

waldorf resources

Movement in childhood

Movement is one of life’s age-old phenomena. We probably never associate life with movement more than when we see children in action. Stand on the edge of a schoolyard or a playground and watch the children. It is a picture of pure motion.

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Triple Governance: Hayek's Lost Thesis

In 2010 Arthur Edwards passed an invitation from the Mont Pelerin Society to Dr. Christopher Houghton Budd to write a paper on Friedrich von Hayek, Winston Churchill and Rudolf Steiner. This is now published as 'Triple Governance: Hayek’s Lost Thesis' in the book 'Hayek: A Collaborative Biography' (Palgrave Macmillan 2018).
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Graduation Ceremony 2018 at Heliopolis University

At the same time that Heliopolis University (HU) is launching two new faculties and receiving new students, the six-year-old educational entity bid farewell to its third batch of graduates. Around 150 graduates are now going to start a new phase in their life, aspiring to become the ambassadors of sustainable development.

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Landwirtschaftliche Sektion am Goetheanum

Pierre Masson †

Pierre Masson had been deeply involved with the development and spread of biodynamic agriculture for many decades, with a special interest in the preparations.

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The courage of personal initiative

An interview with Henning Kullak-Ublick.

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Waldorf Ressourcen

Free Play – Now and Then

For a long time, free play has been neglected for the sake of early literacy and numeracy. The appreciation of free play has only been revived in the last few years. But is it really seen and understood for what it means to the child? How do we, as parents and educators, approach free play? What does it mean to us?

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Ownership Conference: Steward-Owned Companies

Do wee need a new form of ownership to tranform capitalism? What is steward-ownership and might this be the solution? The  Ownership Conference, 30-31 October 2018, Berlin will bring together “steward-owned” companies and entrepreneurs looking for solutions to succession and long-term oriented ownership.
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Awakening to Global Book-keeping

Awakening to Global Book-keeping

In our time, money and bookkeeping are coming together to form an organ of perception for economic life. It is now time to give conscious expression to this organ so that it can allow me to perceive more than my own point of view, to grow beyond myself and thus to cross the threshold that separates “me” from the others and from the world.

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Pädagogische Sektion

Project 'Teach the Teachers'

Are you excited again and again by Steiner's educational impulse? Is it a heartfelt affair and a daily source of inspiration for you? Do you truly say 'Yes' to people as physical and spiritual beings?

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The 1st International Conference on Biodynamic Research

Taking an inter- and trans-disciplinary approach, we aim to bring together both academic research and farmer’s expertise to explore and discuss issues in biodynamic food and farming systems.

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Non-affirmation of two board members

Goetheanum Leadership determines steps for transition period

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Don’t leave world peace to the politicians

March 2018

With more relevance than ever, the conflict researcher Prof. Friedrich Glasl has told civil society activists that they have more importance than they realise and could make a significant contribution to peace processes.

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Newsletter of the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum

March 2018

This issue includes articles, both inward and outward looking, from travellers on the path of associative economics, with a particular focus on Easter themes and their universally - applicable significance.
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SEKEM Spring Festival 2018: A 40-Year Look Back, A 40-Year Look Ahead

Same time every year, music, short skits, eurythmy pieces and inspiring speeches lead the scene at the SEKEM Farm.

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