News from all fields

Breaking free of trauma

Emergency education in northern Iraq … >>

Sharing the Value of the Desert

SEKEM Attends the “5th Kubuqi International Desert Forum” … >>

Summer Camp Iona and Isle of Mull 2016

Iona, the "birth place" of the cosmic Christianity  … >>

Annual Giving Appeal 2015

This week the Glenaeon Foundation launches Annual Giving 2015.  … >>

Finding the spirit in life

The Rose Chamber by Caroline Brown is a moving account of a journey into spiritual realms through meditation, as Christian von Arnim found when he read the book for NNA. … >>

German Waldorf pioneer Stefan Leber dies

Stefan Leber, one of the most important pioneers of the German Waldorf school movement in recent times died yesterday at the age of 78.  … >>

Waldorf emergency education team heads for Turkey

An emergency education team from the international Waldorf organisation Friends of Waldorf Education is heading for Turkey on Sunday for a short-term deployment with refugees from Syria and Iraq.  … >>

New portal for Waldorf teachers launched

"Waldorf Resources" with informationen and tipps for lesson planning … >>

Executive Council of the Goetheanum: Constanza Kaliks is nominated as a new member

The Goetheanum's Executive Council has nominated Constanza Kaliks, leader of the Youth Section, to join the council. This was announced on Members Day on November 7, 2014 at the Goetheanum. … >>

Why work placements in Waldorf schools?

This overview of the work placements in upper school gave an indication of the thematic content and personal or social challenges for the pupils. … >>

A study of anthroposophy in the fascist era

Staudenmaier‘s book is an updated, greatly revised and abridged version of his dissertation. … >>

“Favourable stars” of an extraordinary island

About 4,000 guests visit the Centro de Terapia Antroposófica and the Finca Lomos Altos in Lanzarote every year. … >>

Former Waldorf pupil heads NATO

The former Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, who took over as secretary general of NATO on Wednesday, went through the majority of his schooling in a Waldorf school.  … >>

Amazing experience

Schumacher College is simply one of the finest teaching and learning environments to be found anywhere in the World. … >>