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Venue to be announced

School of Spiritual Science – Forum for Young People

"The Guardian of the Threshold ", with Carina Schmid.

The meetings will be held in English and German

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Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in der Schweiz, Oberer Zielweg 60, 4143 Dornach |

School of Spiritual Science – Forum for Young People

You are warmly invited to the following talks, followed by open conversation.
These meetings are meant for all young people who are interested in the School of Spiritual Science and the Anthroposophical Society.
It may offer a deepening for members, as well as an introduction to people who are new to the topics.
The meetings will be held in English and German.


Christine Untersulzner has been a translator of Sergei O. Prokofieffs work for many years and has gained a deep insight into his striving for the Anthroposophical Society and the School of Spiritual Science.

The Michael School is the spiritual source out of which the School and Society have been founded. In this meeting Christine will give an introduction into the meaning and origin of that School out of Sergei O. Prokofieffs research.


When: Sunday, Ist December, 18.00

Where: Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in der Schweiz Oberer Zielweg 60, 4143 Dornach

Please let us know if you will join by Thursday 28th November via

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