Anthroposophical Therapy Centres
Anthroposophical curative education and social therapy centres offer educational, early learning, work and residential opportunities for children, young people and adults with a wide range of disabilities and developmental problems.
For children and young people:
- Early advice and early learning
- Curative education and integrative kindergardens
- Day schools and integrated schools
- Residential schools and life communities
- Work centres and training opportunities
For adults:
- Opportunities for work in workshops
- Residential places in homes and protected housing
- Village and urban communities
- Further training opportunities
The work with children and young people is called curative education in anthroposophical centres. Education at school or learning opportunities in kindergarden combine with specific therapies and usually also medical care provision in a total concept to stimulate a child’s development and provide maximum support. Methods developed in anthroposophy are specifically used, among them Waldorf education, a range of therapies such as eurythmy
therapy, and anthroposophical medicine. Curative education will as a rule prove particularly fruitful if the parents of the children and young people with disabilities are closely involved in the collaboration.
Social therapy is the term used for work with adults. Here it is above all a matter of creating social situations that will enable people with disabilities to have maximum independence and self determination. Suitable work and types of residential accommodation and social and cultural opportunities both outside and in the centres help to create a life situation where the individual is encouraged to develop further, yet also enjoys the necessary
Anthroposophical curative education and social therapy centres are privately maintained as a rule. The work is in almost all countries supported and financed on the basis of social legislation. In the individual countries, centres have joined in national associations. These are supported by parents?
associations for individual centres and also national associations for parents and family.
Currently there are about 530 curative education and social therapy centres, more than 60 training centres and about 30 associations in more than 40 countries.
(Copyright: Curative Education and Social Therapy Council,