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Vancouver BC, Canada |

1919 - 2019: A Second Chance for the World

This  conference will  address a simple, if challenging thesis: One hundred years since  the  end  of  World  War  1  we  have  a second chance to place humanity on the true path of its development.  But only if our analysis includes the observations of Rudolf Steiner and if our ideas come from the future rather than the past; from sense - free perception rather than sense - driven instinct; from our own will working in cooperation with others rather than from external guidance manipulating our actions.

In short, how can we learn to navigate two worlds on the threshold of each other? How can individuals serve the community through their capacities, and how can the community capitalize them so that they are able to? And how, through entrepreneurship and its language, accounting, can our micro actions give rise to a new macro landscape?

 Thursday Evening: Keynote

What did happen and what could have happened in the last hundred years? Rightly understood, the events that took place 100 years ago remain the fulcrum on which the healthy future of humanity rests.  Had  it  not  been  for  the  alluring  but  false  ideas  of  Woodrow  Wilson  and  misplaced  Marxism,  Rudolf  Steiner’s observations concerning the threefold nature of social life would have been the main contender for the future organisation of  society. This is still the case today, but how can we see through the divisive and confusing events of the last hundred years to look again at what Rudolf Steiner had in mind and how his version of events might have continued up to now?

Friday Evening: Keynote

What do we envisage for the next hundred years? In one hundred years a lot can happen. A main difference is that nowadays the individual has far greater ‘agency’ than was then the case. But this possibility can be undermined if finance ignores the insights of Rudolf Steiner. The problem we face today  is that the macro-understanding  has  run  out  of  road  but  a  viable  micro  response  remains  elusive.  We spend  our energy  looking  into  alternative  ways  of  conducting  business  or  understanding money,  rather  than  going  into  their  deeper and ultimately inherently social nature.

Backgrounded by these two keynote talks by Christopher Houghton Budd PhD., through engaged participation and dramatic expression  of  the  themes,  we  will  explore our  understanding  of  post  WW1  history  and  the  prospects  for  change  based  on associative economics. Emphasis will be on the practical consideration of activating the threefold nature of economic life.

Registration details and entire conference schedule will be forthcoming.

More information:

>> Invitation (PDF)

>> Website

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