Breaking free of trauma
Emergency education in northern Iraq … >> Breaking free of traumaSummer Camp Iona and Isle of Mull 2016
Iona, the "birth place" of the cosmic Christianity … >> Summer Camp Iona and Isle of Mull 2016Waldorf emergency education team heads for Turkey
An emergency education team from the international Waldorf organisation Friends of Waldorf Education is heading for Turkey on Sunday for a short-term deployment with refugees from Syria and Iraq. … >> Waldorf emergency education team heads for TurkeyAmazing experience
Schumacher College is simply one of the finest teaching and learning environments to be found anywhere in the World. … >> Amazing experienceSwiss online platform “Without you” urges support for foreigners
When Switzerland voted by a very narrow margin in a referendum in February to restrict immigration, three Swiss citizens felt moved to do something about it. … >> Swiss online platform “Without you” urges support for foreignersWitten International Network
Newly founded student initiative wants better integration of international exchange students into university and student life at UW/H. … >> Witten International NetworkThe “very modern” crises of 1914
~ NNA series: The upheavals of the First World War ~ … >> The “very modern” crises of 1914Haiyan – the monster storm
After the storm, the flood. Since typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines and other parts of the south-east Asia last month, followed by severe flooding, emergency aid has been pouring into the country. … >> Haiyan – the monster stormCall for greater civil society engagement
Von Uexkull described the manifesto of the World Future Council as a “new brand” to save civilisation. … >> Call for greater civil society engagementEthical banks call for positive vision of the financial system
Ethical banks from around the world have called for a fundamental transformation of the financial system to create greater stability and make people its focus. … >> Ethical banks call for positive vision of the financial system- 1
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