

Summer School Iona and Isle of Mull

The association "Anblick" gives an overview of recenct and upcoming activities, including a public theme night on the 2017 Iona Summer school.

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Will robots teach us to communicate properly?

Interaction with robots in our everyday lives can have a positive influence, says the philosopher Prof. Birger Priddat, in that it forces us to communicate rationally. Machines could in this way contribute to shaping our culture.

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The cosmos in your living room

It reflects the real relationships between the planets transformed into sound and transposed to be suitable for human hearing. … >>

The Enigma of Potentisation

The Enigma of Potentisation

'New Perspectives In Science 2014' is the fourth conference about scientific endeavors inspired by Anthroposophy.

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Am 10. Juni 2006 Symposium der Paul Schatz Stiftung in Basel

Am Samstag, den 10. Juni, findet im SCALA BASEL von 9.45 bis 22 Uhr ein Symposium der Paul Schatz Stiftung zur Förderung von Zukunftstechnologien statt. … >>