«All publications of the Society shall be public, in the same sense as are those of other public societies*. The publications of the School of Spiritual Science will form no exception as regards this public character; however, the leadership of the School reserves the right to deny in advance the validity of any judgment on these publications which is not based on the same training from which they have been derived. Consequently they will regard as justified no judgement which is not based on an appropriate preliminary training, as is also the common practice in the recognised scientific world.»
* The conditions under which one acquires training have also been made public, and their publication will be continued.
Foundation Statute §8 of the Anthroposophical Society
Executive Committee
Stefano Corona

Member of the Executive Committee since 2020
(pauses from the active Executive Committee activities until autumn 2023)
- Mechanical engineer and business economist in various functions and branches of industry
- From 2015 until 2021 managing director of Casa Andrea Cristoforo in Ascona
- Since October 2021 Managing Director of the Rüttihubelbad Foundation in Walkringen
Particular concerns:
- Development of that state of mind and mood of soul which gives right life to the anthroposophical truths
- Turning to the spirit content in order to find "...what can lead the soul from the authentically human to a satisfying community of people, and to the full experience of this community." (Rudolf Steiners Letters to the Members)
- Cultivate Anthroposophy in society in such a way that it enkindles life in it
Focal points in the work of the Executive Committee:
- Conference of the professional fields
- Conference of Delegates
- ... further key areas will emerge
Jonathan Keller

Member of the Executive Committee since 2023
- Co-founder and manager for the initiatives of Confoedera
- Class teacher at the Rudolf Steiner School Wetzikon
- Exxecutive member of the movement Threefold order Switzerland
- Executive member of the Foundation Jugendhof for the project Lichtung-Eichholz Wetzikon
Particular concerns:
- to be continued
Focal points in the work of the Executive Committee:
- to be continued
Milena Kowarik

Freelance work on the Executive Committee since 2016
Executive member since 2020
- Master of Arts in Musicpedagogy and Performance
- Cello teacher and concert cellist with various ensembles
- Co-worker in the organisation team of the annual conference of the School for Spiritual Science for young people of the International Youth Section
Special concerns:
- Social commitment on a spiritual basis
- Working together on world problems from Anthroposophy
- Bringing anthroposophical ideals to life
- Building bridges between the Anthroposophical Society and the non-anthroposophical world
- Building bridges within the Anthroposophical Society
- Working within the School of Spiritual Science with young people
- Raising the profile of the School and the Society, and facilitating exchange
- Communication and sharing with members
Focal points on the Board:
- Initiative forum for refugees
- School of Spiritual Science forum for young people
- Annual Conferences
- Accompaniment of the branches in north-western Switzerland
Clara Steinemann

Member of the Executive Committee since 2005
Training and Profession:
- Born and raised in Santiago de Chile
- Study of music at University of Chile with specialisation in piano
- Waldorf education training in Santiago
- Co-founder of the Giordano Bruno and the Rudolf Steiner Waldorf School in Santiago. Class teacher in both school for a while
- In Switzerland since 1984
- Mother of five children
- Childcare training
- Founding and direction of the Waldorf child care Die ersten Sonnenstrahlen in Arlesheim (Switzerland)
Main concerns:
- Development of an inner culture as the on-going basis for one’s activities in life
- Questions concerning the form of the Anthroposophical Society
- Recognition of the different spiritual streams behind today’s social phenomena’s and in connection with a culture of forgiveness
Main work as a Member of the Executive Committee:
- Taking care of the relationship of the National Society with the Goetheanum and the General Anthroposophical Society
- Planning of annual conferences
- Participation in the creation of the magazine FondsGoetheanum