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Foyer Haus Wegman, Pfeffingerweg 1, 4144 Arlesheim |

“Still in mir will ich sein“ – Exhibition of Andrea Raiser's paintings

Open from Monday to Saturday 8am-8pm, on Sunday 9am-8pm.

Information: 061 705 71 11



At the age of 42, Andrea Reiser encountered the painting impulse of Liane Collot d'Herbois, which deals intensively on light, darkness and colour. Developed on the basis of Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science, it starts from the objective origin of colours and aims at making the movement of colours visible.
This way of painting provides guidelines that exclude subjectivity and arbitrariness. A picture is created by laying layer upon layer of paint - up to more than 60 layers - and a motif gradually becomes visible. The paintings shown in this exhibition are an attempt to approach the cosmic-spiritual laws of light and darkness. In this method, one is always a seeker on the path to truthfulness, for art builds bridges between the physical and the spiritual world.

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