
Perspectives on money
On Saturday, 17 August 2024, the research colloquium "Perspectives on Money" will take place in Winterthur (ZH). The speakers will be: Marc Desaules, Samirah Kenawi, Jean-Marc Decressonnière, Jens-Martignoni and Fionn Meier.
… >> Perspectives on money

A film about Social Threefolding
This documentary is an attempt to derive the necessity of the three areas of Rudolf Steiner's Threefolding through individualisation, globalisation and industrialisation
… >> A film about Social Threefolding

Second newsletter of the Swiss Threefolding Movement published in October
The current issue of the newsletter Dreigliederung Schweiz - Bewegung für soziale Erneuerung (Threefolding Switzerland - Movement for Social Renewal) appears with a colourful cover. The magazine is aimed at members of the movement and all interested readers.
… >> Second newsletter of the Swiss Threefolding Movement published in October

Interview with Michael Gambarini, co-organizer of the Pentecostal Conference on Threefolding
A Whitsun-Conference on Social Threefolding will be held in Zurich from May 26th to the 28th. Questions were asked of Mr. Gambarini, an engineer and manager of the society of the Threefold Social Movement for Renewal in Switzerland (Dreigliederung Schweiz).
… >> Interview with Michael Gambarini, co-organizer of the Pentecostal Conference on Threefolding

Graduation Ceremony 2018 at Heliopolis University
At the same time that Heliopolis University (HU) is launching two new faculties and receiving new students, the six-year-old educational entity bid farewell to its third batch of graduates. Around 150 graduates are now going to start a new phase in their life, aspiring to become the ambassadors of sustainable development.
… >> Graduation Ceremony 2018 at Heliopolis University

Ownership Conference: Steward-Owned Companies

Awakening to Global Book-keeping
In our time, money and bookkeeping are coming together to form an organ of perception for economic life. It is now time to give conscious expression to this organ so that it can allow me to perceive more than my own point of view, to grow beyond myself and thus to cross the threshold that separates “me” from the others and from the world.
Second newsletter of the Swiss Threefolding Movement published in October

The Threefold Social Movement for Renewal in Switzerland organised a conference for November 2022 where a group of initiatives and organisations committed to the threefolding of the social organism was announced. At the time, the high number of participants at the conference was encouraging. The general interest in this topic also seems to be growing beyond the boundaries of anthroposophical fields of work. There are already an astonishing number of seeds of a new diversity in the established sectors that are leading towards a new social order.
The current newsletter starts from this point and sharpens our view of contemporary society with the intention of thinking far beyond the 'social versus liberal' scheme. New legal forms and steward-ownership are the topics of the current issue. Surprisingly, there is agreement between liberal and social circles about this subject.
The reader finds an introduction to the steward-ownership (Verantwortungseigentum), which has already been implemented in successful companies. The main problem with private ownership of a company is its connection to a bloodline rather than a spiritual stream and the relationships that this creates. 'steward-ownership ', says Katharina Hupfer, Managing Director of Waschbär, in an interview with Fionn Meier, Managing Director of Dreigliederung Schweiz, 'doesn't know parties'.
The response to threefolding in the scientific community is also encouraging, as in the interview with Professor Michael Esfeld, Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Lausanne. His new book, Land ohne Mut (2023, Achgut Verlag, 'A Land without Courage), deals, among other things, with the question of how we can build social life on the basis of voluntary co-operation. Esfeld even refers to Rudolf Steiner's idea of the threefolding.
Dr Stefan Obrist, GP at the Ita Wegman Outpatient Clinic in Basel, explores the underlying causes of the crises in our healthcare system: On the one hand, costs are rising year on year, while on the other, staff are becoming increasingly scarce. Obrist refers to historical and social causes, presents suggestions for improvement and concrete attempts and invites readers to engage with other views, suggestions or critical objections.
We owe a great wealth of useful information to this newsletter, which gives us a picture of the efforts being made at many levels for a more humane orientation of our society. To quote Fritz Lang, "head and hands need a mediator. The mediator between head and hands must be the heart!".
Giovanni Tobia De Benedetti
Link to the newsletter (in german)