«The Anthroposophical Society shall hold a regular General Meeting at the Goetheanum each year, at which time the Vorstand shall present a full report with accounting. The agenda for this meeting shall be communicated by the Vorstand to all members, together with the invitation, six weeks before the meeting. [...]»
Foundation Statute §10 of the Anthroposophical Society (extract)
Conferences and Meetings
The Public Annual Conferences
The Anthroposophical Society in Switzerland organises public conferences in spring every year and sometimes in October. Members, friends and anyone who is interested are welcome.
The conferences in spring always take place at the Goetheanum and were devoted until 2023 to the impulse of the Christmas Conference.
The conferences in October change their place from year to year. These conferences focus on themes that address the problems and needs of our times.
Last Conferences
14-16 February 2014 | The Social Form of the Christmas Conference | Goetheanum, Dornach
25-26 October 2014 | Der Mensch und die Bienen - in german/french | Rüttihubelbad, Walkringen
13-15 February 2015 | The Foundation Stone and the Foundation Stone Meditation | Goetheanum, Dornach
24 October 2015 | Die bedrohte Kindheit - in german/french | Rüttihubelbad, Walkringen
12-14 February 2016 | The General Anthroposophical Society | Goetheanum, Dornach
22 October 2016 | Kaspar Hauser and the refugee drama today | Station Circus, Basel-Dreispitz
10-12 February 2017 | The School for Spiritual Science | Goetheanum, Dornach
28 October 2017 | Nationalismus und Gemeinschaftsbildung - in german/french | Station Circus, Basel-Dreispitz
16-18 February 2018 | The second Goetheanum | Goetheanum, Dornach
27 October 2018 | Aufbruch und Fesselung - Jugend im Kräftefeld der Neuen Medien - in german/french | Rudolf Steiner Schule Jakobsberg, Basel
15-17 February 2019 | Leading Thoughts - At the Dawn of the Age of Michael | Goetheanum, Dornach
14-16 February 2020 | The letters "To the members" | Goetheanum, Dornach
5-7 November 2021 | The Karma Lectures of Rudolf Steiner | Goetheanum, Dornach
29th of April to 1st of May 2022 (postponed from 11th to 13th February | The Scientific Nature of Anthroposophy | Goetheanum, Dornach
10-12 February 2023 | Michael und seine Gemeinschaft - in german/french | Goetheanum, Dornach
26.-31. Dezember 2023 | 100 Jahre Weihnachtstagung. In Kooperation mit der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft. Goetheanum, Dornach
28./29. June 2024 | with General Member Meeting - in german and french. Goetheanum, Dornach
14-16 February 2025 | Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925 | Goetheanum, Dornach. In German and in French
Next Conferences
13-15 February 2026 | Goetheanum, Dornach. In German and in French
The Conferences of the Delegates
The delegates and the committees of the groups and branches meet twice a year with the committee of the Swiss Society. At the centre of these meetings, besides issues of management, there are presentations of new initiatives, considerations of the spiritual conditions of the time and discussions of the requests and concerns of those responsible for the groups.
Conference of Working-Fields
The conference of working-fields consists of representatives of anthroposophically-oriented working fields in Switzerland. Inter alia, they come from the field of agriculture, medicine, pedagogy, social therapy, care of old people, arts and economics.
This strengthens the consciousness of responsibility between the different working fields and the national group and while at the same time fostering fruitful collaboration.