
Curative education & Social therapy

The climate needs our changes now

Almost 50 years ago, the US National Academy of Sciences was the first major scientific organization to warn of the threat of global warming. Today, it is a reality. What can we do?  >>

Agriculture & Nutrition

Organic agriculture produces less CO2 emissions

Organically cultivated fields are more climate friendly than conventional ones, says a study of the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture. … >>

Agriculture & Nutrition

Biodynamic agriculture enhances soil fertility

Biodynamic farming has been scientifically proven to be the most sustainable agricultural method according to the long-term academic study DOK1. … >>

What is antroposophical curative education?

Anthroposophical curative education was initiated by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, in 1924 and is based on intensive research into phenomena. >>

Natural sciences


Curative education & Social therapy

The climate needs our changes now

Almost 50 years ago, the US National Academy of Sciences was the first major scientific organization to warn of the threat of global warming. Today, it is a reality. What can we do?  >>

Agriculture & Nutrition

Organic agriculture produces less CO2 emissions

Organically cultivated fields are more climate friendly than conventional ones, says a study of the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture. … >>

Agriculture & Nutrition

Biodynamic agriculture enhances soil fertility

Biodynamic farming has been scientifically proven to be the most sustainable agricultural method according to the long-term academic study DOK1. … >>

What is antroposophical curative education?

Anthroposophical curative education was initiated by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, in 1924 and is based on intensive research into phenomena. >>

Natural sciences


Board Transition at Klinik Arlesheim AG

The current Chairman of the Board, Philipp Schneider, is retiring. Alexander Schwedeler and Kalle Zeller will jointly chair the Board of Directors of Klinik Arlesheim AG.

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40 years of diversity observed and tasted

gzpk (Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz, a grain breeding company), celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2024. The non-profit association opened its doors for the anniversary celebrations in Feldbach/ZH on 22nd June.

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Anthroposophical art and study days

In recent years, Christian Community pastor Daniel Hafner has been inviting young people to get to know Anthroposophy.

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Presentation of the book ‘Anthroposophy and National Socialism. The Anthroposophical Medical Profession’

In the unique atmosphere of the preserved lecture theatre ruins of the Charité Medical History Museum in Berlin, a book presentation followed by a panel discussion shed light on a hitherto little-known chapter in the history of medicine.

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The meeting of poles depends on us

Living together becomes difficult as the anti-social character of individualization in modern society takes over and prevents us from meeting. At the same time, a multiplicity of viewpoints leads to all kinds of life projects which often collide.

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New directors of the Rudolf Steiner Archive

David Marc Hoffmann will retire at the end of March 2025. He has headed the Rudolf Steiner Archives since 2012. From April 2025, the Slavicist and Waldorf teacher Dr. Angelika Schmitt, PhD, and the economist and philosopher Philip Kovce will take over the management of the archive as a team.

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Edith Marion Foundation

2 May 2024 marks the centenary of the death of the sculptor Edith Maryon. The Basel-based foundation celebrates her namesake.

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